Morton Property Group

HB Central

228 Queen Street and 3 Lorne Street, Auckland CBD

228 Queen Street & 3 Lorne Street

HB Central: An authentic community experience

The HB Building is a 110-year-old building located in the Auckland CBD situated on Queen and Lorne Streets. The building comprises 2 levels of retail accessed from Queen Street and 5 office levels accessed from Lorne Street.  We are currently undertaking a full refurbishment and earthquake strengthening which is due for completion in 2022.

We have a passion for heritage, and we believe that conserving and reusing these historical buildings plays an important role in sustainable communities striving towards a circular economy.

Morton Property Group has a strong commitment to sustainability and every opportunity will be taken to utilise sustainable products, materials, energy and design to achieve both environmental improvement and reduced operational costs. 

The building is targeting a 5 Greenstar rating resulting in: 

  1. Improved energy efficiency. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Improved water efficiency. Reduced operating and recurrent costs. Construction and demolition waste diverted from landfill. 
  2. Improved occupant wellbeing and health. Improved indoor environment with potential for increased staff productivity. Greater staff attraction, recruitment, retention. 
  3. Excellent public transport links supporting getting employees out of their cars and reducing emissions 

HB Central: A rich architectural history